Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fall in Tennessee

2012-10-09 10.51.50

means sweaters, shorts,  cowboy boots, and cubs hats

2012-10-20 12.59.55

lots and lots of pumpkins….

2012-10-20 13.02.31

and cotton….

2012-10-23 15.17.42

and leaves

2012-11-11 14.06.03

and Anniversaries!

Halloween (isn’t it about time?)

We did Halloween cheap this year.  I bought a tube of white paint and some thrift shirts.  To bad my kids are so cute!


2012-10-31 18.11.21









2012-10-31 18.13.39

okay, that’s not really cute…

2012-10-31 20.54.22

The dino costume that has lasted throughout the years…