Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gabriel Joseph Ostenson

So we finally decided on a name, the day after our new boy was born. Not quite sure how it happened, except that I think my oldest brother had to make the final decision. Appropriate for the patriarch of the family, I suppose, since his little brother had some sort of naming deficiency. Anyway…

So Mother and child came home today and I have a couple pictures I’ve taken. He was born in the early afternoon on the 17th of September, 7 lbs 5 oz, 19 inches long (for those who care about numbers). Labor was about 5 hours, pushing about 2 minutes (though it seemed a lot longer to Beth). And I guess that’s about it, right?

Here are a couple of pictures:

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First shot of Gabe with his eyes open.

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An excited sister and distracted brothers.

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And a cousin – that’s about all the shots we have of him right now.

We haven’t been enthusiastic picture-takers yet, though grandma has some pics that I’ll try to upload soon. I’ve been napping a lot (almost as much – more? – as Beth) lately, so been kinda lazy. For now, you’ll just have to be content watching the next youngest, Isaac, bend some fire and some earth:

Friday, September 10, 2010

Some Friends are Meant to Be

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We miss you already!  Good luck in all you do!

First Days of School

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  • 1 all Knowing first grader (“Mom, I got used to first grade SOOO fast.”)
  • 1 nervous Kindergartener (changed his clothes three times)
  • 1 sad little sibling (the only one who cried)
  • 1 anxious mother (“Wait! don’t you need just one more hug?”)

Good luck kids!

Last of Summer

As our last summer hurrah we spent some time at the reservoir near my old home town.  In honor of the occasion, and in keeping with tradition, we didn’t let the kids bring their swimming suits since my parents were usually too poor to afford suits.  Yes, long ago I used to be the naked baby at this very same lake…. ah memories! 

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