Tuesday, June 30, 2009

To make a blog

Making a new blog is really easy, especially when you have good ol' Blogger to help you out. You simply point and click 80 times and voila!, you're online. Of course, blogs are really more like online diaries that you share with the world, so it takes a healthy dose of self-centeredness and a dash of self-importance. Check.

Then you need some cool pseudonyms so no one can really tell who you are (and so future employers won't know it's you making really odd rants about Obama and the state of affairs in Kentucky). And if you hope to be really popular, you need a creative idea and a little bit of wit.

And here you have our attempt at creating a blog. Hope you enjoy.

Create a blog:
1 Blogger
80 point and clicks
Healthy does of self-centeredness
1 Dash of self-importance
1 Cool pseudonym (or more, if there are more than one of you)
1 Creative idea
A little bit of wit

Mix it with years of patience, because that's how long you have to be online before people will take you seriously - oh, and you have to wait and see if you really are creative or not.


Unknown said...

Hey, welcome to wonderful world of blogging! I hope you don't spend so much time blogging that you forget to finish your dissertation. I speak from experience, of course....

Oh, and you forgot one item in your recipe list: "a sprinkling of grammar or spelling mistakes"--what fun would a blog be without some funny spelling errors?

Missus O said...

The spelling mistakes I can do...I'm just not so sure about the wit or creativity...

Dewzon54 said...

Who are you kidding??!! You are the most creative person I know!! And you have a delightful sense of humor!

Dewzon54 said...

Joseph, you are brilliant! This is going to be fun!

Dewzon54 said...

PS: Jon is SO right! You need to add the grammar and spelling mistakes to your recipe.