517 years ago, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered this big, fat continent in the middle of the ocean that got in the way of his search for a water route to India. Though he wasn't the first person to set foot on the America's (there were tons of people here already), everyone in Europe still pretended like he was, and he became an international hero! Then everyone started coming here because there was this thing called the
American Dream that everyone thought was so cool compared to wherever they were living. This
Dream is best characterized in the books of Steinbeck, especially
The Grapes of Wrath. Ha ha!
But seriously, though...
510 years later, my wife and I got married. That was the second most important event that occurred on this continent. So, on behalf of all my many personalities, may I say a hearty happy anniversary to my lovely wife! (who probably won't see this post for another few days - which means I'll have to actually SAY something to her before the day is up...)
The Marriage of Doctor O and the Missus
1 Year of newlywed bliss
1 Year of raising a daughter, disturber of bliss
1 Year of anticipating a second child and buying a new dresser, then finding our apartment is getting smaller
1 Year of having two children, discovering postpartum bliss (and realizing it requires a little postpartum everything else), then buying our first home - thanks Christopher Columbus! (we named our second child after you!)
1 Year of not having newborns or nursing babies, finding more energy to put our kids to bed earlier and to stay up later, realizing that bliss, though fleeting, is still possible, developing our talents on the diamond and in the concert hall, because we seem to have so much time, then realizing that the more we develop our talents, the less time we have, but we still love each other, so we decide to have another baby (is that was love is?)
1 Year of having another child, this time a world-mover in more ways than one, but particularly because we thought we had so much time and suddenly realized how quickly illusions fall when babies arise (or was it just neglect), but still decide to cultivate our talents, which usually means that Wednesday nights, we hire a babysitter, then go our separate ways, only to realize later we have no money to hire a babysitter for the weekend, when we can finally be together - and this time, the kids go down later and we go down earlier - but as our baby grows, hope springs (eternal, right?) and we anxiously await the day when he will sleep for more than four hours at a time, when he'll stop pushing older kids down (that may never happen), and when I can have my wife back!
1 Year of anticipating things calming down when, really, what happens is I get close to graduating with my PhD finally, but instead get this raging illness in my lungs, right before another raging illness makes for a busy summer, from which I finally return to see that the university I HOPED to graduate from has hired me full time and expects me to finish my dissertation while I'm working as a visiting professor - well that's great, since we lived off credit cards for a whole summer, except upon receiving my first paycheck, it suddenly dawns on me how long it'll be before summer is paid off; meanwhile, the Missus weans our son, but for some reason neither one of us feels much more energy, and while I play on two softball teams (which sometimes means three or four games in one week), we're still getting babysitters for nights when we're both "cultivating" our talents, and the Missus is sitting second chair for the first UV Symphony concert, which means she practices a lot during the day and by the end, is so tired that even putting the kids to bed is a chore - and it gets later; in fact, the kids' bedtime almost corresponds to our bedtime now. Whew!
Thanks, Christopher Columbus! If it weren't for you, maybe our lives wouldn't be so complicated! I lied, by the way, we didn't name our second after you.
Happy Anniversary, anyway.